


Zits progresses through a change in adolescence in Flight. He was a troubled youth constantly getting into trouble. However, after a course of events he begins to change. By the end he is finally ready to accept who he is. He is no longer Zits, misfit boy, he is Michael. And now he finally has a real family. "But I'm beginning to think I've been given a chance. I'm beginning to think I might get unlonely. I'm beginning to think I might have an almost real family...Michael. My real name is Michael. Please call me Michael." Pages 180-181


"I get into arguments and fistfights with everybody. I get so angry that I go blind and deaf and mute." Page 8. Zits starts off as a very angry and violent individual. He's violent because he's been bounced from one place to another and he takes out his anger on anyone around him. He also is a witness to violence once he begins his "flights." By experiencing the events, which he is unable to change anything, he realizes that the violence had dire consequences. And by realizing how violence affects those around him he realizes that the way he's living is wrong and he's got to change something. Always trying to start things with people has always been fun for him like running away from the police.


In Flight, the main character, Zits learns the importance of the choices made and the effect they have on self and others. His "flights" and brief experiences through various men in history, allow Zits to experience firsthand the effects of violence, hatred, anger, etc. "I like to start fire. And I’m ashamed that I’m a fire starter. I’m ashamed of everything, and I’m ashamed of being ashamed" (page 8). This shame reveals that in the center of this young Indian boy, change from his lifestyle of destruction, mischief, and hatred is desired and possible. Through these experiences, he learns empathy as he gains the perspectives of others. After returning from his "flights" he stands in a bank with the choice to pull out his gun and begin firing or walk away from the consequences and guilt he would forever face. While processing his unexpected and bizarre adventures, he decisively ponders, "I used to hate the rain. But now I want it to pour. I want it to storm. I want to be clean" (159). He begins to make changes in his life that dramatically change his morality for the good.

Native American

He notices the racism and stigma attached to being a Native American. He also realizes minorities affect views on life, depending on your background. Zits realizes that everyone has different views and ideals that are specific to an ethnic group. Also, just because you belong to a particular ethnic group doesn't mean you know everything either. Zits learned a great deal about his own people when he realized that his own history lied to him. There is always more than one side to a story. "My father was an Indian. From this or that tribe. From this or that reservation. I never knew him..." "I'm Irish and Indian, which would be the coolest blend in the world if my parents were around to teach me how to be Irish and Indian. But they're not here and haven't been for years. So, I'm not really Irish or Indian. I'm a blank sky, a human solar eclipse."

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