Flatland Summary

Flatland Summary

Flatland is set in a two-dimensional world, where women are lines and men are different shapes with various numbers of corners. We follow the main character, who is as a square and is a noble gentleman. A Square dreams of visiting a one dimensional world called "Lineland", and tries to convince the monarch of a second dimension. In Lineland, the Squares can only be perceived as points on a line. The monarch tries killing a Square instead of letting him go.

A Square is visited by a Sphere from a third dimensional world. He can only see Sphere as a circle, but the Sphere manages to prove that he is, in fact, three dimensional. He takes Square to show him their country, Spaceland, and explains that the Spheres do so often in hopes of educating the people of Flatland. Those from Flatland that have learnt of the world in Spaceland have been killed by the monarch. Square A's brother, Square B, is imprisoned.

A Square then tries convincing the Sphere of the possibility of a fourth dimensional world, but is cut of. It is not possible. A Square then returns to Flatland and is imprisoned for preaching and believing of the possibility of three dimensions. He then writes his memoir for anyone that might believe in it later.

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