Firekeeper's Daughter Characters

Firekeeper's Daughter Character List

Daunis Fontaine

The author depicts Fontaine as a young girl focused on achieving her goals. At the novel's beginning, Fontaine is 18 years old and lives with her parents. Fontaine's mother is a white woman, while her father is a Black man from the Ojibwe tribe in Nigeria. Fontaine loves her father's culture, and she does everything to maintain her heritage. Fontaine and her grandmother have a good relationship but differ when she joins the university.

While at university, Fontaine's friend is shot dead, prompting her to change her career to medicine. According to Fontaine, she looks forward to becoming a medical doctor to treat and counsel meth addicts in society. Fontaine's primary focus is to major in traditional medicine and ethnobotany.

Auntie Teddie

Auntie Teddies is a significant figure in Fontaine’s life because she connects her to the Ojibwe culture and heritage. In addition, Auntie Teddie helps Fontaine’s mother to understand the local culture.

Levi Firekeeper

Levi is a stepbrother to Fontaine. Levi's mother is Dana. Levi and Fontaine love each other despite having different mothers because they are connected by their father's blood. Levi is younger than Fontaine, but he defends her at all times.

Levi Firekeeper

Levi is a stepbrother to Fontaine. Levi's mother is Dana. Levi and Fontaine love each other despite having different mothers because they are connected by their father's blood. Levi is younger than Fontaine, but he defends her at all times.

Grand Mary

Grand Mary is Fontaine's grandmother, an influential figure in her life. Fontaine describes her grandmother as caring and concerned, always wanting the best for her. The only point at which Fontaine differs from her grandmother is when she joins university. According to the grandmother, the university is not a good place for girls.


Lily and Fontaine are very close friends. Unfortunately, Lily is shot dead by her ex-boyfriend, who suffers from meth addiction. Fontaine mourns Lily as a bright departed soul that could have made a big difference in society. Like Fontaine, Lily is a member of the Ujibwe tribe.

Travis Flint

Travis is Lily's ex-boyfriend. Even after breaking up with Lily, Travis maintains a grudge against her. Travis is always obsessed with Lily and finally decides to kill her. Travis shoots Lily during the Powwow event.

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