Fire and Blood

Fire and Blood Character List

King Aegon Targaryen

Aegon is the first Targaryen king of Westeros. He conquers almost all of the seven kingdoms in the land, leading a successful campaign with his dragon Balerion and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys. He is a fearsome warrior and shrewd tactician. He is viewed as a fair ruler, always showing mercy to his enemies and not engaging in petty squabbles. He is also deeply private, rarely spending time with anyone besides his sisters and his friend Orys Baratheon.

Visenya Targaryen

Visenya is Aegon's sister and wife. She is a strong warrior with an intense demeanor.

Rhaenys Targaryen

Rhaenys is Aegon's other sister and wife. She is described as being beautiful and more gentle than her sister, though she is also a skilled dragonrider and warrior. She dies during the First Dornish War.


Aenys is the son of Aegon. When Aegon dies, Aenys becomes the second king. He is kind and gentle, but is a very ineffective ruler, due to his indecisiveness and desire to please everyone. His struggle to take a definitive stand against his enemies leads to an uprising from the religious leaders in the realm as well as issues with his brother Maegor.

Archmaester Gyldayn

Archmaester Gyldayn is the narrator of the book. He is a maester in the citadel, located in Oldtown, the city ruled by the Hightowers. He tries to write an objective account of the history of the Targaryens, acknowledging where there are gaps in the historical record.


Maegor is king after Aenys. He is cruel and brutal, killing Aenys's son Aegon in battle when he tries to claim the throne and executing anyone he views as an enemy. His violent and callous behavior eventually makes him a number of enemies at court. He dies in mysterious circumstances.

Prince Jaehaerys

Prince Jaehaerys is Aenys's son and the fourth Targaryen king of Westeros. He takes over after Maegor dies. He is seen as a wise and peaceful ruler and his reign ushers in an era of peace in the realm. He is described as being gentle and thoughtful, never resorting to violence unless it is necessary.

Viserys Targaryen

Viserys is Jaehaerys's grandson and the fifth Targaryen king of Westeros. He is amiable and kind but struggles with a desire to please everyone. His death kicks off the Dance of Dragons.

Rhaenyra Targaryen

Rhaenyra is Viserys's daughter from his first marriage. She is depicted as being smart but stubborn, capable of holding significant grudges. She is a skilled dragonrider. She leads the faction known as the "Blacks" against the "Greens" during the Dance of Dragons. She is named as her father's heir, but is challenged by her half-brother Aegon, who is crowned king after Viserys's death. She dies after being fed to Aegon's dragon Sunfyre.

Aegon II Targaryen

Aegon is Viserys's son from his second marriage to Alicent Hightower. He is wrathful and selfish, with a strong inclination for heavy drinking. He is injured horribly in the Dance of Dragons, first being badly burned and then losing the use of both of his legs. He dies before Cregan Stark reaches King's Landing, supposedly poisoning himself.

Alicent Hightower

Alicent is Viserys's second wife. She is described as being intelligent, calculating, and strong-willed.

Aemond Targaryen

Aemond is Viserys's second son. He is a respected warrior and dragonrider. He is nicknamed Aemond One-Eye because of the eye that he lost in a fight as a child. He is later labeled a kinslayer after killing his nephew Lucerys.

Aegon III Targaryen

Aegon is Rhaenyra's son: he takes the throne following the events of the Dance of Dragons. He is deeply scarred from witnessing the death of his mother.