Final del juego

Continuidad de los parques

Two worlds are built in the story. What are they like? What do they have in common?


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The children create their own kingdom where they are freer and can dodge maternal control. It is interesting to return to an idea of Cortázar himself who thinks of the playful not only as a recreational space but as a terrain where the dramatic conflicts of life emerge. The terrain of the train tracks in which Leticia, Holland and the narrator play, allows them to play characters, compete with each other, negotiate the rules, seduce strangers and, at some point, grow.

There is also another game.... the sentimental game, which only Leticia enters with Ariel and that generates jealousy on the part of her sisters. The narrator ambivalently describes her feelings towards Leticia, at times she feels sorry, "poor creature" (2016:159) but in others they underestimate her for these same reasons: "we could not say that to Leticia, poor angel, with her sensitivity and the cross she carried on her" (161).

