Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the opinion of MacKinnon on pornographic filming?

    MacKinnon has noted with great concern that men in the pornographic filming industry are using women as objects of sex. According to MacKinnon, stamping women as sex objects is both evil and discourteous to the females at large. MacKinnon does not support pornography in the first place because she understands that it contributes to morals deterioration. However, she thinks that even men should be chastised for promoting immorality because they play a bigger role in pornographic filming.

  2. 2

    How does the reader realize that MacKinnon is concerned about American Women Welfare?

    MacKinnon is among the few feminist activists who are in the front line to fight for the rights of American women. Most of her books are about the unfair treatment of women in society and she advocates for equal treatment at all levels. She takes a closer look at the American social justice system and recognizes that it does not favor women. The justice system in place was drafted by men implying that women did not take part and that is why it is all about male dominance. For instance, the law recognizes that women belong to men and they have the power of deciding everything about them.

  3. 3

    Why did Mackinnon choose the title Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law in her book?

    The title of this book is figurative because it represents the unjust treatment of women in American society. MacKinnon uses pornography and legal to show how women are treated in society. According to MacKinnon, the law is adapted to favor men and degrade women. For instance, women are assumed to be men’s sex objects but the law is comfortable with that. Therefore, the title represents the unfair ordeals that women undergo in society.

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