Fear of Flying

Fear of Flying Analysis

The accidental effect of this novel is that it helps explore the difficult question of sexual ethics, because the characters are so open with themselves and honest about their embarrassing sexual fetishes. We see the small concessions that characters make in order to serve their fetishes, and we see the lies and indiscretions all done in the name of sexual fun. But, they know that it is not for fun that they are doing these things, but for healing.

Because these characters are traumatized, broken people, they understand their sexuality as a type of communication between the mind and body, where their desires are helping them come to peace with past traumas (as a coping mechanism).

The difficult part of this process is the art of self denial, because the characters in the book often lack self-control, and their open, wanton sexualities are often riveting and fascinating, but many of them regularly spend much of their time working through the shame.

Ultimately, the question this novel answers is about whether we should feel guilty or shameful about our trauma and its effect on our sexuality, and the answer seems to be a resounding "No."

However, there is still something left missing in the novel's treatment: None of the characters actually get better or healthier or more peaceful. They learn a lot, and they cope a lot, but in order to really be at peace, perhaps sexuality is only a limited tool, and perhaps they will need to learn to communicate with themselves in more efficient ways than just sexual fetish alone. This seems to be Isadora's conclusion when she is molested and realizes that her fetish for being raped is actually extremely misguided, and it turns out that she hates it and is still traumatized by sexual assault, although she has fantasized about it for a long time.

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