Father Christmas Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Father Christmas present a spectacularly different contemporary interpretation of the character?

    Father Christmas is a significant character in this children's book. Despite physically looking like a conventional vision of a buoyant Father Christmas, he is a humble man just doing his standard Christmas Eve deliveries. Similarly, Father Christmas is an ordinary man living in a humble house with usual routines. However, Father Christmas looks jolly on this special day with a long beard, a red suit, and a white cap with grumpy, dissatisfying exterior clothing.

  2. 2

    How does Father Christmas show love to his animals?

    Father Christmas is depicted not only as a man who loves entertaining children but also in love with animals. Father Christmas has a dog and a cat that he loves so much. For instance, Father Charismas buys his animal's different gifts to appreciate their companionship. According to Father Christmas, animals are special creatures that should be given affection. Specifically, dogs and cats are some of the best man's friends, and Father Christmas does not take that for granted.

  3. 3

    What is the main theme in Father Christmas by Raymond Briggs?

    The primary theme in the book is love. Father Christmas is a lovely character who appreciates everything that comes his way. For instance, he makes his deliveries joyfully, and his attire depicts nothing other than love. Besides loving children and the adults he interacts with, Father Christmas loves his dog and cat. He buys his cat and dog presents and wishes them a happy Christmas day. Therefore, Father Christmas is full of love and affection in whatever he does.

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