Farther Away Themes

Farther Away Themes

Techno Capitalist World

In the story 'Pain Won't Kill You,' the narrator primarily speaks of technology's capability and how it has transformed the world. Specifically, the author directs his attention to modern communication gadgets such as iPhones and mobile phones that have revolutionized the capitalist world. The rate at which modern telecommunication gadgets are consumed is fantastic. The narrator speaks about his urge to purchase a new Black-Berry Peal to replace his old device not because it is no longer working, but because he wants to access more features. The narrator is not alone because many people are rushing to purchase the latest modern communication gadgets to ensure that they have an optimal user experience. The relationship between people and communication gadgets is described as erotic. Customers are demanding more usability features, and the techno companies are on toes to ensure that consumer needs are met. The narrator says, “Let me toss out the idea that, according to the logic of techno-consumerism, in which markets discover and respond to what consumers most want, our technology has become extremely adept at creating products that correspond to our fantasy ideal of an erotic relationship…….”

The Theme of Love

The author mainly compares love to the likability of modern electronic gadgets or consumer goods. According to the author, consumer goods' likability is in-built, and they do not beg to be liked. Their appeal is irresistible because they are designed to be consumer likable at all times. However, Individuals are not naturally born to be sociable. Likability in human beings is a result of natural love possessed by an individual. In other words, the human character is a crucial aspect that determines whether one is to be loved or not. Those people who force themselves into people end up giving up. The subject of love is sacred and unique, being it involves self-sacrificing's love for others' sake. The author says, "What love is real about is a bottomless empathy, really out of the heart’s revelation that another person is every bit as real as you are. And, this is why love, as I understand it, is very specific.”

The Passion for Writing

In the story 'Pain Won't Kill You', the narrator opens his address speech by acknowledging that he is a literary writer. Consequently, he is going to do precisely what other academic writers do. The narrator says, "I am going to go ahead and assume that you all knew what you were getting into when you chose a literary writer to deliver this address. I am going to do what literary writers do, which is to talk about themselves, in the hope that my experience has some resonance with yours." The reader can see the passion and dedication of the narrator the dedicate his efforts towards writing. In the 'Farther Away' story, the narrator carries his notebook to the camp so that he can continue writing and noting down anything that appeals to him. Consequently, the narrator is passionate about writing.

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