Family (Cooper Novel) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Family (Cooper Novel) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The novel is widely regarded as allegorical in nature as the characters are thinly drawn and intended to represent a larger symbolic nature than act as mere individual. Clora, for instance, is an allegorical figure of the nature of humanity: we are all bound together through blood. Though a slave, her bloodline will eventually come to intermingle with other races and nationalities throughout the world in a manner that dismisses the very concept of genetic purity as merely a racist fever dream.


The true allegorical nature of the novel is encompassed in the names of certain characters. Always, for instance, appropriately remains true to the central foundation of that name. Always is forever optimistic about plans for the future whether those plans involve genuine strategy, mere hope, or devious cunning.


Soon is another name hinting at the allegorical meaning of the character. For anyone living under oppressive bondage, life can only be endure by convincing oneself that liberation will be arriving soon. And, indeed, such is the nature of Soon’s patient hope for the arrival of emancipated freedom.


Generational suicide among the women in Clora’s lineage look to self-destruction as symbolic emancipation from the bondage of slavery precisely because the promise of freedom coming soon never arrives and slavery seems to be lingering always as their fate.


Literacy means acquisition of knowledge and education is forward as the only equivalent to suicide among the living as the means of escaping the worst horrors of slavery. In this way, Sun becomes another name endowed with allegorical meaning as it translates into the connotation of illumination as enlightenment. Sun’s literacy is passed along to his siblings who experience various levels of improvement in their own circumstances as a result.

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