Eye in the Sky Background

Eye in the Sky Background

Of the various books that Phillip K. Dick published over the course of his long and illustrious career, 1957's Eye in the Sky is among his lesser-known works. It tells the story of Jack Hamilton, the primary character in the book, and seven other people who are caught in a lab accident, which causes them to travel to a number of different alternate universes. In reality, these "alternate universes" are manifestations of everyones greatest fears and prejudices. In truth, though, Eye in the Sky is a commentary and critique on 50's and 60's McCarthyism.

At release, Eye in the Sky received solid, albeit unspectacular reviews. Writes critic Anthony Bouches of the novel: "[Eye in the Sky is] nicely calculated and adroitly revealed" and ["its] theme [is] handled with greater technical dexterity or given more psychological meaning." Jason Koornick thought similarly, writing that "Eye In The Sky is a perfect example of Dick’s brand of speculative fiction. It questions the stability of people’s belief system and shatters the trust placed in human senses. Philip K. Dick has created a masterpiece in Eye In The Sky. This novel should not be overlooked as one his important works."

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