Extinction Characters

Extinction Character List

Franz-Josef Murau

Murau is the autobiographical protagonist of Extinction– a bitter self-exiled son of a powerful Austrian family. Living in Rome with a bunch of artist friends, Murau hates his Austrian identity and attempts to live a perfectly Italian lifestyle. However, when his parents die, he is suddenly the heir to an Austrian mansion, which he must decide what to do with.


Gambetti is Murau's student in Rome, who Murau rambles about his life to. His presence, while minimal, allows Murau to reflect about his life and his family, and truly decipher who they really are. When they stop interacting during the second half of the novel, Gambetti acting as a quiet audience for so long has already allowed Murau to brainstorm in peace.


Georg is Murau's uncle, the only family member he appreciates. This is because Georg is the only other member of his Austrian family to also cut himself off. He also helped Murau when he was first attempting to be independent from his family. Georg is therefore the only family member Murau regards with respect.

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