Exit West Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Nadia redefine tradition in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West?

    In a society in which certain vices are largely frowned upon, it takes a lot of strength and courage for one to work against all odds to break some of the traditionally held rules. In Exit West, Nadia exhibits both these traits as she works against some of the largely traditional practices. While Saeed lives with his parents, Nadia on the other hand lives alone, a concept which does not settle very well with her family. Because she is living alone and she is a woman, her family does not want anything to do with her as living alone is contrary to societal expectations. In this way, Nadia tries to redefine the position of the woman in society and tradition, too.

  2. 2

    How are war and tragedy highlighted in this novel?

    Tragedy is not a far-fetched ideology in this novel. For instance, Saeed’s mother is murdered as tensions begin to take place in the town in which they live. Nadia is forced to live with Saeed and his family seeing as it has become increasingly insecure and for a woman to stay a lot is to add to the vulnerabilities. As the tensions escalate, a war breaks out in which the government loses control of the situation and turn of events. In the wake of these happenings, Nadia and Saeed have to escape to safety and in this way, their journey as immigrants and refugees begins. War and tragedy play quite significant a role in the events in the story.

  3. 3

    How is love brought out in this work?

    Romantic love is explored between Saeed and Nadia. Despite notable differences between these two characters, they fall in love and the novel becomes something of an exploration of the lives that the two live. After the war breaks out, the relationship between these characters suffers greatly as they each seek refuge in a much safer country. Nadia and Saeed are unable to keep up with their relationship and they break up only to meet fifty years later. Although the relationship between these two does not work quite well, the narrator highlights the concept of love in this way.

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