Ever Quotes


[From in the light I touched the light. I knew the light grew mold inside me. [Or. [Or what. I could not think.]]

the narrator, "Ever"

The opening of the novella brings the mention of light into the focus. Light will be revealed to be a menacing force further on in the novella and the explanation of the post-apocalyptic setting. This opening could also be interpreted as the state of the character’s mind, the feeling of confinement and fear of coming out into the light.

[I often like to eat my dinner in the mirror and pretend I’m watching someone else.]]

the narrator, "Ever"

With the confinement comes the feeling of loneliness. The protagonist is not only confined within the walls of her home, that seem to come closer to her as the time goes by, but she also suffers the loneliness that comes with it, as expressed with this sentence.

When I could not crawl or want or other, I crooked my arms and hid my head in what remained of me.

the narrator, "Ever"

The protagonist is, according to the post-apocalyptic setting, literally trying to move and crawl through the house with the presence of light. This quote can also be interpreted through the meanings of depression and sadness, the feeling of being drained emotionally and physically and not being able to move forward with no other choice but to hide within oneself.

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