"Ever After" and Other Short Stories Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Annabell turn to animals?

    In "Beautiful Lady of the Snow," Annabell has a great love for animals. For example, she looks after the fish she wins at the fair and also loves the cat who lives near her Grandfather's trailer. Ultimately, she turns to animals due to a lack of connection in her own life, and a sense of alienation towards her loved ones. Her mother is incredibly busy running the motel, and her grandfather is unwell, and so she doesn't seem to get the attention she needs from her family.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of the protagonist's unhealthy habits in "Breathe"?

    In "Breathe," we get the impression that the protagonist deals with her problems by distracting herself. She does this by watching a lot of TV and also by eating a lot of junk food, which are both unhealthy habits when practiced in excess. Ultimately, she engages with these habits as a distraction from her own emotions, and from the death of her sister which she hasn't properly dealt with.

  3. 3

    Does meditation work for the protagonist in "Breathe"?

    The protagonist of "Breathe" seems incredibly opposed to meditation, and doesn't take part properly when she attends a class with her roommate. However, as the class continues, she begins to think about her own emotions and even begins to think about her sister's death. Usually, she distracts herself, but in the class, she has nothing to distract herself with and so she confronts her own feelings. As such, although she believes the meditation class isn't working it actually does work for her.

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