Eureka Street

Plot Introduction

Eureka Street concerns two working-class Belfast men who, despite being Catholic and Protestant respectively, are friends. The novel switches back and forth between Chuckie Lurgan's third-person narrative and Jake Jackson's first-person narrative. United by their inability to form mature relationships, they struggle to find love and stability in bomb-torn Belfast. The book is set in 1990s, amid peace negotiations and possible cease-fires. In a 1999 interview with Sylvie Mikowski, Wilson said he "wanted to avoid writing a novel in which anyone knew the names of the guns, and I wanted to write about violence responsibly, but in particular what I really wanted to do was to show the weight of a human life lost." The book follows both Jake, the Catholic, and Chuckie, the Protestant, along their lives in Belfast. Towards the end of the book, both find their lives affected by the 'Fountain Street Bombing'.

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