Eugenie Grandet Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Money is to root cause for all evil in society. Substantiate this statement using the novel ‘Eugenie Grandet’ by Honore de Balzac?

    Balzac explains how the power of money can destroy souls because it cultivates greediness. When people have money, they are wealthy, and they think that they can do anything they want, including destroying others' lives. For instance, the author focuses on Saumur town, where Grandet reigns. Grandet is blinded by money and riches, and he intentionally overlooks other life virtues to pursue wealth. Unfortunately, Grandet is ready to destroy anybody who comes his way to block him from attaining his objective of having all the gold in the town. Therefore, the author is justified in depicting that money is the root cause of all evil in society.

  2. 2

    What is the motif of money and gold in the novel?

    The author is determined to pass an essential lesson to readers using the character Grandet. Grandet is obsessed with money and gold than anything else on earth. Grandet has all the money and gold which have enabled him to have a great fortune. When he looks around, Grandet realizes that his closest secret drawers are full of gold. However, the gold and money accumulated by Grandet all the years symbolize ravenousness. Grandet thinks that he will live forever to enjoy his wealth, which is not the case in reality. Therefore, readers should learn the act of sharing with the poor because life on earth is temporary no matter how rich we are.

  3. 3

    What is the satire of the French Republic's politics, according to the author?

    According to the author, politicians' primary objective should be to serve the people and elevate them from poverty. Ironically, Grandet uses his political power to commercialize the affairs of the country so that he can be the richest man on earth. Grandet is a symbol of political gluttony, repressing the evil interests of politicians. Very few politicians are after serving the people to represent because most of them are angry for power and control.

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