Esio Trot Irony

Esio Trot Irony

Situational irony: Winning Mrs Silver over

Initially, Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver are simply friends, despite Mr Hoppy’s feelings. He does not have the bravery to speak to her for years. This is all ironic, because only after the course of a few weeks, they end up married.

Situational irony: Tortoise too big

It is ironic that Mrs Silver once complained that the tortoise was too small and, as a result, she requested Mr Hoppy’s help in making them bigger. But after they become bigger, she complains that they can no longer fit through the door, and so asks for Mr Hoppy’s help once again to make Alfie smaller again.

Dramatic irony: Alfie

It is ironic that every week ‘Alfie’ gets bigger, Mrs Silver does not realise that it is because they are different tortoises. It is amusing to the reader who knows that Mr Hoppy is replacing them.

Verbal irony: Mr Hoppy

Mr Hoppy is stated to be a shy old man, who does typical things expected of men his age, such as gardening and reading. However, it is ironic that later on he become so daring and sneaks into Mrs Silver’s house like a spy. Thus, dispelling all notions of the readers’ expectations of how old people would behave.

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