Ennui Imagery

Ennui Imagery

The road to Glenthorn Castle

On the road to the Glenthorn Castle, Lord Glenthorn gets a feeling for the tension happening in Ireland and gets involved into the riots. This, of course, only excites our "bored to death" protagonist. As he approaches his estate at night, the view of it is visible by the risen moon. Over the vast territory, the cottages are thinly scattered and trees are all bent in one direction as a result from ocean winds.

Glenthorn Castle

As the travelers arrive at the Glenthorn Castle, they are stunned by its magnificent appearance, looking as if it almost rises from the ocean. The years went in favor of its gloomy appearance, with huge gateway and projecting towers. The servants and tenants that come to greet him look like dwarfs compared to its size. Lord Glenthorn immediately gets a taste for the grandeur of the estate and significance of his presence there.

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