Empire of the Sun Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is Empire of the Sun better classified as a historical account or a coming-of-age story? Support your answer.

    The novel has equal elements of both historical accounts as well as a coming-of-age story. There are several narratives of historical events but told through the eyes of a young boy as he experiences World War II. These historical events in turn shape his young mind and his decisions in the future. It is also a deeply personal account of a young boy’s rather forced maturation as he is exposed to the horrors of war. The dreadfulness of war acting almost like a terrible catalyst for his growth as a person.

  2. 2

    What do airplanes symbolize in the novel?

    Jim copes with the isolation of having been placed in a POW camp by fantasizing about being a Japanese fighter pilot. Using this line of thinking airplanes can represent several ideas. It can symbolize freedom for young Jim who is effectively a child-prisoner at a camp; despite being a harbinger of war--another possible idea that they symbolize--to Jim’s young mind airplanes are fantastic machines that are not bound by the laws of gravity. They also symbolize power, a matter that Jim greatly respects and to a certain extent, identifies with having seen the Japanese fighter planes in action. Airplanes can also symbolize hope of war’s end, as they are the vanguard of the American forces.

  3. 3

    Would you consider Jim as an unreliable narrator? Support your answer.

    Jim is a young boy when the novel starts and although there is an innocence and a certain degree a naiveté in his pronouncements and observations it does not make him an unreliable narrator. In fact, it is his lack of bias and socio-political inclination that makes him the exact opposite. He narrates events with a matter-of-fact tone, not clouded by prejudice, thus allowing him to tell a story without inserting any extraneous emotions that might sway the opinion of the reader.

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