Einstein's Dreams Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Einstein's Dreams Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Time (Symbol)

What does time symbolize? It is everywhere – clock towers, wristwatches, in our mobile phones, laptops etc. “Time is an infinite ruler. Time is absolute”. Although it is measurable and sensible, we cannot control it, it is stronger than people, we are the one who obey and this story shows us that no matter how the time looks like – whether it is a river stream, linear, body time, mechanical and so on and so forth, we have to obey it because we cannot change it. Time is a symbol of nature, and our disability to control it proves that nature is more powerful that human.

Book of Life (Symbol)

In the world where there is no memories, all information about a person is written in a so-called Book of Life: “By reading its pages daily he can relearn the identity of his parents, whether he was born high or born low, whether he did well or did poorly in school …” The Book is a symbol of memories, it is a human past, but it is emotionless in contrast with memories, a kind of document without any feelings described there.


Knowledge is power. A great deal of knowledge is a great power because it can literally change the world. There are so many unsolved problems and mysteries in the world, that people who are regarded as intelligent creatures, cannot leave without answer. The truth becomes a motif of their actions like it was in the case with Einstein – he spent all his life working hard to find out the truth which wasn’t accessible for other people. It was his obsession, his work was a sense of his life, I may assume that it was the only real love in his life because there is nothing better in this world than the feeling of achievement, of finding out the truth, which is hidden for regular people.

Albert Einstein (Allegory)

The character of Einstein in the book is a generalized idol of a person with a unique intellect, the person whose life is his work; he is obsessed with it, and there is nothing more that can make him as happy as he is when working. But, in the same time, Einstein is an allegory of a person quite distant from a real life and it’s problems solving of lifelong equations is a piece of cake for him but he cant make his bed, comb his hair of wash dishes. He is a man of paradox – abstract knowledge is his element but reality is not for him.

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