E.F. Benson: Short Stories


  • "The Hearse Driver", segment directed by Basil Dearden in film Dead of Night (1945), based on short story "The Bus-Conductor"
  • "Mrs. Amworth", segment directed by Alvin Rakoff in film Three Dangerous Ladies (1977), based on short story "Mrs. Amworth"
  • Trouble for Lucia, a 12-part adaptation by Aubrey Woods of the first four novels, broadcast in February 1983 on BBC Radio 4
  • Mapp & Lucia (1985–1986), series directed by Donald McWhinnie, based on novels Mapp and Lucia, Lucia's Progress and Trouble for Lucia. Dramatised by Gerald Savory for a 10-episode TV series produced by London Weekend Television and broadcast in two five-part runs between 1985 and 1986 on the then recently launched Channel 4. The series featured Geraldine McEwan as Lucia, Prunella Scales as Mapp and Nigel Hawthorne as Georgie
  • Mapp and Lucia, a 10-part adaptation by Ned Sherrin, broadcast in April and May 2007 on BBC Radio 4
  • Lucia's Progress – a five-part dramatisation by John Peacock of the fifth novel, broadcast in 2008 on BBC Radio 4
  • Mapp and Lucia (2014), miniseries directed by Diarmuid Lawrence, based on novel Mapp and Lucia, with incidents lifted from earlier novels. A three-part dramatisation by Steve Pemberton – starring Miranda Richardson as Mapp, Anna Chancellor as Lucia and Steve Pemberton as Georgie – broadcast on BBC One over consecutive evenings between 29 and 31 December 2014.[13]

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