Eden Rock Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is ironical about the speaker in the poem ‘Eden Rock’?

    The speaker and his parents are in a picnic enjoying themselves at Eden Rock. Satirically, the speaker says that his father is 25 years old while his mother is 23 years old. The reader thinks that the speaker is too young to understand what is going on because his parents are still young. However, the speaker boldly describes the happens of the day. The speaker’s recollections are entirely satirical because at his age, he cannot record whatever he says.

  2. 2

    How thematic is the poem ‘Eden Rock’?

    The poem ‘Eden Rock’ is about life cycle which begins from the family unit. The speaker is passionate about his family and he explains how his parents shows their love towards him, especially when they take him to picnics. Consequently, the family unit is the first major theme discussed by the author. Secondly, the author focuses on death which is the next stage in a life cycle. The speaker recalls and narrates about the death of his parents. The speaker is passionately looking forward to reunite with his parents after he dies.

  3. 3

    What is the figurative connotation of the poem’s title?

    The poem’s title ‘Eden Rock’ is emblematic because it represents heaven. The poem focuses on afterlife because the speaker often meets his parents across the river in his dreams. The speaker believes that there is life after death and he will reunite with his parents at the Garden of Eden.

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