
Dunkirk Glossary

Lads (plural noun)

British slang for young men.

Dictate (verb)

To prescribe or determine.

Liberation (noun)

Freedom from oppression or oppressive regimes.

Evacuation (noun)

The act of moving people from a particular area, generally during an acute crisis.

Mate (noun)

British slang for friend.

Shell-shocked (adjective)

A psychological condition caused by prolonged exposure to war characterized by anxiety, and pronounced aversion to danger.

Dunkirk (proper noun)

A town in France.

Requisition (noun)

A formal order allowing the use of items, materials, etc.

Lorries (noun)

British term for a large truck used for transportation.

Bras dessous (idiom)

French for "Arm in Arm," said by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

grenadiers (noun)

Soldiers armed with grenades, or grenade launchers.

mole (noun)

A massive structure used as a pier or breakwater.

Calais (proper noun)

A city and major ferry port in northern France.

sitting duck (informal noun)

A person or thing with no protection against an attack.

rudder (noun)

a flat piece hinged vertically near the stern of a boat or ship for steering.

Winston Churchill (proper noun)

The British Prime Minister during World War II.

chute (noun)

Short for parachute.

U-boat (noun)

A German submarine used in both World War I and World War II.

Jerry (informal noun)

Slang for German.

Highlander (proper noun)

An informal term for a Scottish person.