Disappearing Spoon, The Themes

Disappearing Spoon, The Themes

Scientific Discovery

The book documents the scientific discovery of all the elements in the periodic table and the inventions that were pioneered from the initial discoveries. This table is the backbone of all human Inventions and beyond. The possibilities of these elements are endless, as they are constantly implemented into different fields that go on to shape the very fabric of our scientific reality.

Ethical Issues

While these elements have contributed an immeasurable amount of progress in our civilization, they have also raised the same amount of ethical issues. Fritz Haber invented ammonia to be used in farming, but had other catastrophic abilities like nitrogen bombs. The Manhattan Project also led to the making of the nuclear weapon which could undoubtedly annihilate the entire human civilization. These explosives have been used to wage war against humanity in numerous instances, which have caused massive loss of lives.

Scientific Order

Kean states the importance of the periodic table and the order in which it was designed. Every element in the periodic table plays a crucial role. Without this order, the periodic table would not have the same power and influence in the field of science. It’s a delicate order that, if shaken even in the slightest, poses the risk of dismantling science and the world as we know it.

The Cost of Invention

Robert Bunsen became half-blind after experimenting with explosions. Despite his success with the invention of the Bunsen burner, he had to live with this disability. It was the price he had to pay to achieve excellence. Irene Joliot Curie discovered a way to manipulate basic elements into radioactive elements. Due to this constant exposure to radioactive materials, she was diagnosed with Leukemia.

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