Difficult Women Literary Elements

Difficult Women Literary Elements


Short Story Collection

Setting and Context

The stories are written in the context of feminism.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is apathetic and the mood is ominous.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonists in 'The Mark of Twain' and 'Requiem Glass' are the narrator and the Stone thrower.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is that women are perceived as sex objects, and inferior beings meant to serve men.


The climax comes when William Langston viciously rapes the young woman to satisfy his romantic fantasies.


The painting of women as crazy, loose, frigid and dead girls is foreshadowed by the assumptions of the patriarchal society that women are inferior beings.


In the story 'La Negra Blanca', the character of Livingstone III is understated. For instance, he pretends to enjoy watching black strip girls dancing on his laps, but he intends to abuse them sexually.


The story alludes to misconceptions that have been directed to women over the ages.


The images of the glasshouse in 'Requiem for a Glass Heart' show that the house risks breaking.


The main paradox is in the story 'Requiem for a Glass Heart' in which the entire household is deceitful. For instance, Stone Thrower considers visiting his mistress after having been intimidated by his wife.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

‘Loose women’ is a metonymy for infidelity among women.



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