Didn't Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta Characters

Didn't Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta Character List

Carlotta Mercedes

Carlotta is the protagonist in the novel, and the narrative revolves around her life. Carlotta is involved in a robbery with violence. However, Carlotta did not intend to participate in the crime despite finding herself at the crime scene. While walking with her cousin, Kifefe shoots a woman and robs her. Later, Carlotta is arrested alongside her cousin, and they are all taken to court to face murder charges.

Carlotta is transgender, and when imprisoned, she is put in a male's cell. Inside the cell, fellow inmates and the prison warders sexually abuse her. Carlotta is fortunate to leave prison before her jail term expires. When Carlotta gains her freedom, she starts fighting for the rights of transgender people.


The COs is a section of the prison waders who handle the inmates like Carlotta and the rest. These prison warders are ruthless, ferocious, and inhuman because they mishandle prisoners. For instance, they mishandle Carlotta, which affects her psychologically and emotionally.


Frenzy is Carlotta’s lover in prison. According to Carlotta, there were many sexual predators in prison, but Frenzy was the most loving and caring.

The Presiding Judge

The judge is described as understanding and humane because he renders his judgment with wisdom. Carlotta is accused of robbery with violence, a case that attracts a life sentence. However, during the incident, Carlotta did not have a brutal weapon. Therefore, the judge decides to sentence her to 22 years instead of a death sentence.

Noreen Green

Noreen is the daughter of the woman that was shot by Kafefe. Noreen is bitter because after her mother was shot, she was forced to take care of her siblings. Noreen's mother was badly injured during the robbery and is now admitted to the hospital. Noreen attends court proceedings to ensure justice is served to her ailing mother.


Doodle is Carlotta's close male friend. While Carlotta was heading for Doodle's birthday, a violent robbery occurred, and she was mistakenly arrested and taken to court. Carlotta did not get involved in the robbery, but she was caught at the crime scene, where Kafefe shot a woman and killed her instantly.


Kafefe is Carlotta's cousin. While walking together toward Doodle's home, Kafefe shoots a woman and injures her badly. Both Carlotta and Kafefe end up in prison.

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