Dictee Quotes


“I am making up these sins. For the guarantee of absolution. In the beginning again, at Zero. Before Heaven even. Before the Fall. All previous wrongs erased and reduced to spotless. Pure. When I receive God, all pure. Totally. For the dwelling of God Housed in my body and soul must be clean. Free of sin. Any sin. Mortal sin. The greater the sin, greater the forgiveness, greater the Glory of God in His forgiveness."


The narrator says this quote when she reveals how she could make up sins to seek forgiveness from God during confessions. The narrator's revelation in this statement shows the irony of confessions. When people go to confess before the priest, they should know that God sees and hears them. Therefore, sinners must be honest with their deeds. The irony of the statement extends when the narrator says greater forgiveness when the sin is more incredible.

“Japan at once created an assembly, in the name of the king, for the discussion of everything, great and small, that happened within the realm.”


The narrator says this statement to recall her experiences in Korea when the Japanese worked tirelessly to overthrow the Korean government. The assemblies' main agenda was to come up with strategies to gain influence over the Koreans. The statement also reflects what the Korean people went through in China's refugee camps, where they were denied the freedom to enjoy their heritage.

"Be industrious: the more one works, the better one succeeds. The harder the task, the more honorable the labor. The more a man praises himself, the less inclined are others to praise him."


The quote emphasizes the significance of hard work. Hard work provides genuine income for whoever aspires to succeed in life. The reader finds this quote educative because it emphasizes the importance of hard work. More importantly, it is honorable to earn a living while working hard and using honest means.

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