Dear Martin

Dear Martin Glossary


(adj.) unclear, foggy


(noun) a student or graduate of Yale University


(adjective) unusual/weird in a bad or uncomfortable way; confusing and unsettling; "off"

minstrel show

(noun) a type of American sketch show from the early 19th century that generally had white actors in blackface depicting African Americans in a variety of racist and stereotypical situations


(noun) someone who is affiliated with the white-nationalist group, the Ku Klux Klan. The group primarily targets African Americans but is also against Jews, immigrants, leftists, homosexuals, Muslims, and Catholics. Historically, the Klan used terrorism—both physical assault and murder—to further their agenda. They wear white outfits with pointed white hats that cover their faces, with eye-holes cut out.


(verb) formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime

chicken cacciatore

(noun) an Italian dish of chicken served with onions, tomatoes, herbs, bell peppers, and mushrooms

[Tag] Heuer

(noun) a brand of luxury watches


(noun) Ancient Egyptian writing


Nefertiti was a queen of the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt, the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten


(noun) miscellaneous objects, particularly ones needed for a particular activity


(noun) The dashiki is a style of shirt that originated in the Yoruba culture in the 12th-13th century. Today, dashikis are worn in the United States to symbolize Black American Afrocentric identity.


(noun) a brimless, short, and rounded cap worn by men in many populations in North Africa, East Africa, Western Africa and South Asia. It is also worn by men throughout the African diaspora.

papasan chair

(noun) a style of chair with a bowl-shaped design that originated in the Philippines

kente cloth

(noun) a Ghanaian textile, made with handwoven cloth strips of silk and cotton. Historically the cloth was worn toga-style by Ghanaian royalty


(noun) Traditionally means a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam. The literal meaning is "struggle" or "effort." Martel defines it as "the act of striving, persevering" (161).


(noun) literally means "black land." An Ancient Egyptian name for Africa


(noun) the dispersion of any people from their ancestral homeland


(verb) criticize unfairly; disparage


(adjective) crossing the Atlantic