Cynthia's Revels

Cynthia's Revels Sources and ClassicNote Author

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  • Zender, Karl F. "The Unveiling of the Goddess in" Cynthia's Revels"." The Journal of English and Germanic Philology 77.1 (1978): 37-52.

  • Talbert, Ernest William. "The Classical Mythology and the Structure of Cynthia's Revels." Philological Quarterly 22 (1943): 193.

  • Thron, E. M. "Jonson's Cynthia's Revels: Multiplicity and Unity." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 (1971): 235-247.

  • Steggle, Matthew. "Cynthia waning: Cynthia’s Revels imagines the death of the queen." Goddesses and Queens. Manchester University Press, 2018. 170-182.

  • Potts, Abbie Findlay. "Cynthia's Revels, Poetaster, and Troilus and Cressida." Shakespeare Quarterly 5.3 (1954): 297-302.

  • Project Gutenberg, Ben Jonson. "Cynthia's Revels." 30 November 2023. <>.