Cruel Optimism Quotes


“A relation of cruel optimism exists when something you desire is actually an obstacle to your flourishing…become cruel only when the object that draws your attachment actively impedes the aim that brought you to it initially.”

Lauren Berlant

Berlant introduces the novel with the statement to give perspective to the argument it delves into. The term cruel optimism is utilized to allude to the nature of desire and hopefulness despite it being futile in certain circumstances. She argues how constructs such as capitalism can be self-defeating in terms of chasing a goal that is essentially doing a disservice. In that, the attachment to the ultimate goal of one’s action in optimism without addressing their outlook on desire can be a cruel endeavor.

“How long have people thought about the present as having weight, as being a thing disconnected from other things, as an obstacle to living?”

Lauren Berlant

Berlant addresses what desire really mean from a personal perspective and how it is interconnected with our optimism and attachments. She affirms that desire should be tied to things that indeed bolster one’s flourishing rather than impeding it. The assertion is an inquiry into how humans view the present as something to overcome for our desires to be achieved. Berlant affirms that life should be lived on life’s terms, thus to appreciate the beauty of the present we should not let attachments and hope distract us.

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