Cronos Characters

Cronos Character List

Jesús Gris

Jesús is the protagonist of the film. An antique dealer, he finds himself at the center of the plot when he discovers and uses the cronos hidden within the statue of an archangel which came from the home of an alchemist who created the cronos to give him eternal life. He is hunted down by Angel as De la Guardia wants the cronos for himself. He is killed by Angel but comes back to life. Jesús eventually, with the help of Aurora, kills De la Guardia and Angel before being completely transformed into an eternal being with marble-white skin.


Angel is the nephew of De la Guardia, and is tasked with recovering the cronos for his uncle. He has a deep-seated hatred for his uncle and desires to see him die in order that he will inherit his fortune. When his uncle is left for dead by Jesús, Angel kills him. But, when attempting to kill Jesús is pulled to his death.


Aurora is Jesús' granddaughter. Her father died when she was very young. She is concerned about her grandfather and tries to hide the cronos from him. But, eventually she is the one who helps Jesús to find the alchemist's book, all while loving him along the way.

De la Guardia

De la Guardia is a wealthy man who is near death. He lives in a 'clean room' he's created for himself in his factory while dedicating his life to finding the cronos in order to have eternal life. He has had multiple organs removes and is willing to pay any price for the cronos. He entices Jesús to see him, but when he stabs Jesús, Aurora hits him over the head with his cane, and his nephew Angel finishes him off.


Mercedes is Jesús' wife. She is a dance instructor and has to bury her husband after Angel has thrown him off a cliff inside a car. She welcomes her husband home regardless of how he looks once she realizes he is still alive.

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