Critique of Pure Reason Characters

Critique of Pure Reason Character List


There is the character of God who is perceived as a watch maker, and according to Kant, God designed everything in a logical and circular manner. He states that God does not have to do much in order to keep this world going. God acts through reality in a planned way, and Kant rejects the idea of God as a primer mover of this universe. He asserts that God just made this world and He is simply watching the things as they are proceeding.

A Person who Imagines

Kant has introduced the human beings who imagine certain things and ideas. According to Kant, human beings have the ability to imagine things without experiencing them. They perceive the reality of their immediate surroundings through their external senses and then recreate this reality in their heads. They get information about the world through transcendental observations. He asserts that humans possess the capability of understanding the unseen objects by imagining them in their heads and they believe them to be true without any evidence.

A Person with Pure Reason

The philosophy of Kant represents a character, who possess pure reason. This person doesn’t take things without understanding them and without proper evidence. He does not drag God and other transcendental concepts in all matters of life. He restricts God to moralistic philosophy and does not involve it in practical philosophy. The person with pure reason analyzes everything instead of blindly following it.

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