C.P. Cavafy: Poetry


House-museum of Cavafy, Alexandria.

Cavafy's apartment in Alexandria is located on Lepsius street, which, after the apartment's conversion to a museum, was renamed to Cavafy street in honour of the poet. The museum was established in 1992 at the initiative of scholar Kostis Moskof, cultural attaché to the Greek Embassy in Cairo until 1998.[7] After Cavafy’s death in 1933, the apartment turned into a cheap hostel; it was later recontructed with the help of photographs becoming reminiscent of Cavafy's time. The Cavafy Museum contains a wide range of bibliographical material; it is home to several of Cavafy's sketches and original manuscripts, as well as several pictures and portraits of and by Cavafy. It holds translations of Cavafy’s poetry in 20 languages by 40 different scholars and most of the 3,000 articles and works written about his poetry.[24]

A bust of Cavafy located in his apartment

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