
How does Coraline's life change after the event of the novel?

I am confused please help

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At the beginning of the novel, Coraline views herself as an explorer lost in a boring world. Although her parents are at home most of the time, she finds herself lonely and dissatisfied. She asserts her independence by refusing to ask for help. Once Coraline discovers the other world, she is forced to confront the strengths and weaknesses of her character.

Coraline also touches on a theme that is essential to human existence—the importance and the difficulties of making choices. Coraline must consistently make choices, both big and small. After her parents are abducted, Coraline must choose how to structure her time and make herself comfortable in the real world without their support or guidance. As the narrative intensifies, Coraline is faced with big choices that will affect her and her family's futures. Despite the initial comfort of the other world, Coraline chooses to escape this environment and save her parents from the evil other mother. Coraline is never held to anyone's expectations except for her own. She finds her independence and her strength from evaluating all potential options and choosing the most responsible way to achieve her goals.

