Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe Them Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    When does Uscinski argue that conspiracy theories began?

    Uscinski makes it clear that conspiracy theories are not a modern phenomenon. Instead, he says that "there is no time in recorded history without conspiracy theories," pointing to ancient Rome, medieval Europe, and 20th century America as key examples. This being said, Uscinski also says that conspiracy theories have enjoyed a remarkable prevalence during the 21st Century, thanks to the creation of the internet and social media.

  2. 2

    How do conspiracy theories reveal themselves in modern times, according to Uscinski?

    Uscinski argues that "the most alarming developments in world politics are closely interwoven with conspiracy theories." He cites displays of populism, nationalism, xenophobia, and racism as all being fueled by conspiracy narratives. As such, conspiracy theories largely have a negative presence in the modern world, fueling dishonesty and manipulation.

  3. 3

    What are some dangerous consequences of conspiracy theories?

    Uscinski refers to the dangerous consequences of conspiracy theories frequently in the text, supporting this with historical examples. In extreme examples throughout history, conspiracy theories have led to "scares, panics, purge, and bloodshed," as a result of dishonesty and manipulation from those in power.

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