Confession of the Lioness Summary

Confession of the Lioness Summary

Kulumani is a remote village in Africa . Long having lived a peaceful life with their traditions, the people of Kulamini are terrorized when a pack of lionesses begins hunting them. Never before having been plagued by lions, they wonder whether the animals are real or if they are visions. Regardless, people have died. Hoping to eliminate the problem, the village elders hire a marksman named Archangel Bullseye.

Mariamar is a young woman whose sister is killed by the lionesses. She lives, now alone, with her abusive father. When Archangel arrives, he upsets the delicate balance of the village. Mariamar's father forbids her to leave the house, for fear she will learn something unsettling from Archangel. Mariamar complies out of fear, but she is miserable and traumatized by the incident. The entire time she hopes Archangel will somehow learn about her and save her, taking her away from Kulumani.

Archangel takes his mission seriously. As he gets closer and closer to the lionesses, he suspects they are indeed more mysterious than face value. He is frustrated, however, because his hands stops working the way they used to. It's like he's being prevented from killing the lionesses by some unseen force which makes his best efforst fail. Meanwhile the lionesses grow bolder, roaming the streets of the village. The men become increasingly uneasy and annoyed with Archangel and his foreign methods. They resent the imposition of modernity in their private, reserved lives, but they are the ones which invited him.

As time goes on, Archangel learns the truth. He pays attention to the actions of the villagers and notices the abusive nature of the men directed at the women. Suspecting the women know what's really happening, he interrogates them only to learn they are proficient in witchcraft. In fact, the elder women have summoned these phantom lionesses in order to punish the men for their indiscretions. They hoped a man wise and strong like Archangel would arrive in response. Archangel is touched by the plight of these women and uses his authority to open the eyes of the men toward the evil of their actions. Just like that, the lionesses disappear. At last, peace comes to the village of Kulumani.

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