Coming of Age in Mississippi Characters

Coming of Age in Mississippi Character List

Anne Moody

Anne Moody, also called Annie Mae Moody is only four years old in the beginning of the book. She lived on a plantation in her early childhood in the mid-1900’s where her parents were poor sharecroppers. She had two younger siblings, and her mother was pregnant with her forth child, and the father soon leaves the family picture as he has an affair. Moody grown up to be a civil rights movement member, and strongly believes in what she tries to preach to the rest of the world, and particularly Mississippi.


Toosweet is Anne Moody’s mother. She was married to Diddly, Anne father, and they had four children together. They are both very poor as they are children of slaves, but they are now sharecroppers, though poor, as slavery had been abolished. Anne and Diddly’s relationship is rocky, and when he has an affair with another woman, they decide to separate.

Emmet Till

Emmet Till, full name Emmet Louis Till, was a young African-American boy who was tortured and lynched in the 1950’s, and was essentially what made Anne politically active. He was accused of flirtatious whistling towards a white woman at the ripe age of 14. He became the symbol of the civil rights movement, as the shocking brutality of his murder showed America that changes still needed to be made.

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