Christopher Columbus: Journal and Selected Writings Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is satirical about the author, Christopher Columbus?

    The reader is surprised that Columbus is not a scientist besides making a landmark scientific recording in history. The author is a dedicated explorer and his primary goal is to make new discoveries as he explores the world. He is the first person to record the Magnetic Declination which is capable of showing direction. His recordings and discoveries have since been documented in history. It is however ironic that most of the recordings and discoveries are scientifically related even if he does not have a scientific background.

  2. 2

    How does the theme of trickery manifest itself in the Journal and Selected Writings?

    The crew people on the ship are constantly given false information about the miles covered to give them hope. Columbus reveals that the captain and his close men are aware that the information they are giving the crew is incorrect but they are doing so to ensure that those in the voyage are hopeful that the journey is almost coming to an end. However, when the truth comes out that the captain and his men have been all along with lying, the crew aboard becomes impatient and angry.

  3. 3

    Is Columbus’ journal comical?

    Largely, the Journal and Selected Writings is comical because Columbus is doing everything possible to please the King and Queen of Spain. He writes about the exciting moments during his trip and he ensures that all the recorded events are interesting and amusing. Besides pleasing the monarchs, the author of the journal is also enthusiastic about his job and that is why it naturally comes out amusing

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