Children of the River


Sundara Sovann is a 12 year old Cambodian girl growing up in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital. Sundara's is friends with a charming and smart boy named Chamroeun. Sundara falls in love with Chamroeun, but he goes to fight in the war as a soldier. Sundara flees from Cambodia with her aunt, Soka, her grandma, and her uncle, Naro, to escape from the Khmer Rouge. She leaves her remaining family behind in Cambodia, which she regrets later in the novel. Sundara's aunt Soka's newborn baby dies while they're traveling on a small, very cramped ship, which devastates Sundara.

Sundara eventually makes it to America, where she seems to understand American ways, but not the reasons behind them. To Sundara's dismay, a teacher, Mrs. Cathcart, reads her poem assignment aloud to the class. It is about her having to leave Cambodia, and all the people dying there. Sundara, along with Soka, work for Mr. Bonner, a farmer. Sundara also works Mr. Bonner's fruit stand at the market. There, she meets Jonathan, a boy her age, who attends the same school and seems very sweet. Sundara cannot help herself from admiring him. Soon he befriends her, asking if he can interview her about her life in Cambodia. Sundara is shy about her family history and has trouble opening up to him, but the two soon fall for each other. Soka has trouble accepting Sundara's crush and makes her promise that she will not talk to Jonathan anymore. Sundara soon finds out Chamroeun has been killed. She almost breaks down, but Jonathan comforts her. She tells him that she hasn't been able to cry since she left Cambodia.

As Sundara starts to adapt to American ways, she learns that her new friend Jonathan is popular at school. Jonathan's girlfriend, Cathy Gates, says she is the only one who understands Jonathan. According to Cathy, "Jonathan and I have been going together since the ninth grade. We have something very special between us".[1] As Sundara and Jonathan become closer, they start eating lunch together, and he asks her to the movies. Sundara realizes she is becoming more American.[2] Sundara and her friend Moni have dinner. They are reminded that back in Cambodia all marriages are arranged.

Cathy finds out about Sundara's friendship with Jonathan, and is not happy. Cathy tries to confront Sundara, who does not want to face Cathy. Sundara has trouble understanding Jonathan's relationship with Cathy. She finds herself confused about a lot of things, such as girls showering together after gym class.[3]

One night, her cousin Ravy tells Sundara that Jonathan was injured during a football game. Sundara goes to see him in the hospital, where Jonathan tells Sundara he dislikes Cathy's attention. He also admits to Sundara that he loves her.[4] Sundara is not able to get her mind off Jonathan. She is also told that Jonathan is quitting the football team, due to what Sundara has told him about Cambodia. Cathy is upset after realizing that Jonathan likes Sundara.

Everything changes when Jonathan's father goes on a mission trip to Cambodia, due to his son's annoyance that they don't do more to help. Jonathan is ashamed that he yelled at his father, and wishes he hadn't. It becomes harder for Sundara and Jonathan to see each other after that.

When Moni, her friend from Cambodia, takes a trip with her to collect bottles, Sundara notices a broken doll. The doll reminds her of her aunt's dead baby, making her collapse into hysterics. Sobbing, Sundara is dragged home by Moni and taken inside. After her grandmother claims the baby girl's spirit has taken over Sundara, the women all pray for a release on her.

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