Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Imagery

The Chocolate Room

The Chocolate Room scene is one of the richest in imagery in this entire story. The visitors are completely in awe of the vast chocolate valley they have stepped into, so naturally the language used to describe it is vivid and awestruck. Lines like "went crashing down into a boiling churning whirlpool of froth and spray" (80) and "graceful trees and bushes were growing along the riverbanks" (81) help to paint a picture in the reader's head of this incredible room, so that readers can feel the same sense of amazement.

Mr. Wonka

Charlie carefully takes note of every detail of Mr. Willy Wonka's appearance the moment he steps out of the factory. The beginning of Chapter 14 carefully describes his hat, his clothes, his cane, and his face, with very clear language that helps the reader to picture this man. This passage full of imagery also makes use of figurative language to describe Mr. Wonka, including "he was like a squirrel in the quickness of his movements" (74).

The Candy Boat

Another passage rich in imagery is the one in which the candy boat that will take them down the chocolate river is introduced. The narrator describes it with lines such as "it was of such a shining sparkling glistening pink that the whole thing looked as though it were made of bright, pink glass" (99). Just like the descriptions of the rest of the Chocolate Room, this instils a sense of amazement and awe in the reader.

Inside the Glass Elevator

As Charlie, Grandpa Joe, and Mr. Wonka soar out of the factory and high above the town, imagery describing the houses and snow below is used to emphasize just how high up they really are. "Charlie could see the small faraway houses and the streets and the snow that lay thickly over everything" (171) creates a sprawling image of the world below that Charlie has risen above.