Charles Bukowski: Selected Poems Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Who is Peter mentioned in the poem "About my very tortured friend, Peter’’ and what is the main idea transmitted through this poem?

    In the poem entitled "About my very tortured friend, Peter’’, the narrator mentions a young man of 27. The narrator only mentions the name Peter and does not give any more information about the name of the man. What the narrator does say is that Peter is a writer. The narrator mentions how Peter is an aspiring writer who already wrote a number of books. Despite this, Peter is unwilling to give up his "day-job’’ and to focus on only writing. Peter argues that all the great writers and artists in history had someone who supported them and he can’t just throw himself into an unreliable lifestyle without being sure he has someone to back him up. The narrator criticizes Peter for this, because he needs to feel secure and because he feels the need to know everything will be alright.

  2. 2

    How does Charles Bukowski presents himself in his own poems?

    Charles Bukowski is extremely sincere when it comes to describing his own character. He is not shy when admitting his own faults and does not try to present himself as being someone he is not. The reader is able to know Bukowski almost at an intimate level through his poems and Bukowski makes sure that the reader knows him as he is in reality. Bukowski describes himself as a drunk, someone who enjoys drinking more than anything else. He also likes to sleep around and is not shy when picking up whores or women known for their questionable character. He is also someone who admits he slept on the streets on numerous occasions and who has troubles keeping a job. Despite this, he considers the act of writing a noble one and all his traits as being the characteristics of a good writer. Bukowski criticizes those who want material stability and believes that to be a good writer means to struggle financially.

  3. 3

    How does Bukowski present women in his poems?

    What is important to note is the way in which Bukowski writes about women and the way he treats them. in his poems, women are not presented in a positive manner. The women in the poems are all whores or women who are extremely easy and who would sleep with anyone they can. The narrator presents women as having no values as being easy to prey one and as being unworthy of respect. Because of this, the narrator presents them in derogatory terms and no women of good character appear in the poems.

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