Chain-Gang All-Stars Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Chain-Gang All-Stars Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Hass Omaha

Hass Omaha is a hammer that symbolizes Loretta’s power. Whenever Loretta goes for a fight, she carries her hammer and makes sure she crashes her opponent. The Hass Omaha is a significant simple, which shows Loretta’s power and dominance in the fights. Loretta has never lost her fight because she trusts her hammer.

The magnets

The magnets implanted in Black inmates symbolize the inhumane treatment of the prisoners. Black inmates are mistreated and discriminated against inside the cells. The prison warders forcefully implant magnets on Black prisoners for experimentation. Such actions violate the basic rights of the prisoners. However, the inmates have no power to demand for their rights.

The arena

The arena symbolizes the fame of gladiator games. The author indicates that the arena is parked to capacity for spectators who come to watch live their favorite fighters. The gladiator game has attracted a huge following. Many people follow the gladiator game live in the arena, where it is recorded and aired live on the CAPE channel.

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