Cardenio Metaphors and Similes

Cardenio Metaphors and Similes

As a woman who has no appetite

When Julio talks about the woman he loves, he compares her with a woman who has no appetite to show how more than often, she acted as if she was not interested in what was happening in the relationship she and Julio were trying to develop. This comparison is important because it portrays Leonora as a person who is not interested in love, someone who just goes with the flow and does not care about her future.

The suits

One of the elements mentioned time and time again in the play are the suits bought by Julio. Those suits, according to the description his father provided, were extremely expensive and a burden for him. It is also transmitted the idea that for Julio, the suits were the most important. Thus, the suits become a metaphor in the play, standing for the prestige Julio wanted to have and for which he would have done anything and sacrificed anything.

Like the sun is sure to produce light

When Leonora asks Julio about his love for her, he is quick to assure her he will never find another woman, comparing the love he felt for her to be as sure as the fact that the sun will produce light. This comparison is meant to show that Julio was deeply in love with Leonora and that he was ready to do everything he could to be with her.

Like a fever

Love is compared in the play with an illness, or rather with a feverish state one person may experience. Because of the fever, the person who experiences love can’t think clearly and thus takes bad decisions which will eventually affect his life. This comparison also transmits the idea that love is something dangerous to experience, mainly because of the ways it makes a person behave and react.

Honor like a cape

When Violante learns about Henriquez’s departure, she begins to panic, thinking about her now tarnished honor. Violante knew she will be criticized by those in her community and compared her honor with a dirty cloak she must wear. The comparison has the purpose of showing just how visible her shame was and how it was something she could not escape.

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