Caliban's War Metaphors and Similes

Caliban's War Metaphors and Similes

Yojimbo (simile)

In the narration, a simile is used to describe the combat mech Yojimbo: "looking like a headless giant in power armor". This comparison emphasizes the size and power of the mech, comparing it to a giant, which is traditionally seen as a powerful figure of myth and legend. By calling it a "headless giant", the author is emphasizing the fact that it is an artificial construct, with no human intelligence or emotion behind its actions. The power armor it is wearing further emphasizes its formidable strength and size, suggesting that it is a fearsome force.

Giant Fist (simile)

In the story, the author uses the simile "like a giant fist coming down on the cart’s roof" to describe the concussion. This is a vivid and effective comparison, as it conveys the suddenness and intensity of the concussion. It also suggests that the cart is being attacked and that the concussion is powerful enough to cause damage. This simile helps to create an image of a strong force impacting the cart and its occupants, which increases the tension in the scene.

Awkwardness (simile)

The narrator asserts, "personal assistants and staff pages stood in uncomfortable stillness, like the shy teenagers at a dance." This simile is used to compare the awkwardness of the personal assistants and staff to that of shy teenagers at a dance. This comparison is effective in conveying the feeling of uneasiness and tension that the characters are experiencing. The simile also highlights the fact that the personal assistants and staff are not part of the conversation and are feeling left out. The imagery of a shy teenager trying to blend in at a dance is a relatable experience for many readers and helps to create a vivid picture of the character's feelings.

Venus (metaphor)

Corey uses the metaphor of Venus burning in the sky to represent the resiliency of life. The metaphor is introduced when Avasarala looks out from her window and sees the planet Venus burning brightly in the sky. Avasarala muses that despite the many changes and upheavals that have occurred in the twelve years she has been in the same office, the evening star still lights up the sky, and the spring still comes. The metaphor of Venus burning in the sky is used to express the idea that even amidst chaos and change, there are still constants that remain. This is a reminder of the power of nature and life – that it persists no matter what.

Black Web (simile)

Another simile in the narrative is "the black web filled his head with flashing images, running too quickly to make sense like video played at high speed." This simile compares the flood of images in Holden's mind to video footage playing at a fast speed. It conveys the overwhelming nature of the images, suggesting that Holden is unable to process them. This simile also implies that Holden is struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation, as the video footage playing at a fast speed is difficult to make sense of. It highlights the confusion and fear that Holden is experiencing, highlighting the urgency of the situation.

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