Broken Arrow Irony

Broken Arrow Irony


Tom sees a young Apache boy who's been shot and goes to give him water. Ironically, the young man tries to stab Tom, who's attempting to help him. Tom is able to stop him before he does and convince him he isn't going to hurt him.

Free to Go

The young Apache man Tom helps has healed and the pair are about to part ways. Ironically, arrows come darting into the tree they are standing before as the Apache tribe is stopping Tom.

Let Go

Jeffords makes it safely to Tucson after the Apache ambush on the men that he witnessed. Ironically, when Jefffords tells the men he escaped they find it suspicious that he would help an Apache and not try to fight back at all, insisting that Jeffords is potentially a traitor.


Ben Slade says that Cochise started the war going on between the Apaches and the white men. Jeffords tells the man that a Lieutenant from the east flew a flag of truce and when Cochise agreed to the truce the Lieutenant killed Cochise's brother and five others. This is what actually started the war.

Sick and Tired

Jeffords has come to the end of his rope when it comes to the war between the Apaches and the white man. Ironically, he decides to put an end to the war by himself rather than teaming up with another single man. He believes that he can shift the war all by himself simply by speaking directly to Cochise.

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