Breaking Night Themes

Breaking Night Themes


Drug addiction is a very serious problem in the United States and across the world, and is seen as a very large problem in this memoir. Liz, growing up in a large city, is even more exposed because her parents are addicted to drugs. Her father went to jail before she was even born, and her mom does not give her proper care because of the addiction. Many people do not realize the negative effects fo drugs, but, fortunately, Liz is able to overcome the problems of her parents and go to live on a successful drug-free life.


Liz grows up in a horrible situation, yet she grows up to graduate from Harvard University. How did this happen? Don't kids grow up to be just like their parents? Absolutely not. Liz persevered through hard times, knowing that she was free from the crutch of her parents, she could conquer the world in ways that she couldn't possibly imagine. Working through hard times is a very important skill to have - don't just give up and give in to the problems at hand.

Growing Up Without Guidance

As a child, most people remember a time when simple needs were given to them, such as food an water. They also remember how their parents gave them advice for their adult life, and that advice was often useful. However, Liz did not grow up in this easy situation. Instead, she was deprived of needs, molested by an older man, and had to watch her parents go insane under the influence of drugs. This would be a hard thing for anyone to handle, and often children lack the maturity to grow up without the proper guidance. It is somewhat of a miracle that Liz did not simply follow the path of her parents and become a drug addict herself.

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