Breaking News Themes

Breaking News Themes

Reporting the truth

These stories show how deeply Fletcher cares about journalistic integrity. Whereas danger and fear make other reporters less likely to go to those locations and tell the difficult truth, the danger excites Fletcher, who is passionate about exposing the masses to the truth about what is really going on around the world. Fletcher's commitment to honesty turns his reporting into something gritty, difficult, and tragic. He often films the dead and dying, and he captures warfare as it happens.

The horrors of human war

Partially inspired by his own family's suffering during the Jewish Holocaust, Fletcher describes feeling destined to cover the most gruesome news on earth. He was one of the few reporters who would willingly travel to Israel during the height of their ongoing war with the Palestinian Arabs who were displaced by Israel's tactless formation in 1947, and he also covered wars in Somalia, Afghanistan, and even Rwanda. In addition to his commitment to truth, Fletcher is convinced that everyday people should have to know the truth about what the world is really like to people who don't live in stable societies.

The value of human life

Although many of his stories seem gory and insensitive, Fletcher believes his work represents the value of human life. First of all, he finds value in the lives of all nationalities and religions and ethnicities around the planet, so he finds himself moved by their suffering, and this drives him to be an advocate for their truth, regardless of how appalling and shocking that will seem to his audience. By creating challenging, shockingly honest journalism, Fletcher explores our Western tendency to think of ourselves as isolated from the world, as if we and Rwanda, for instance, have nothing in common. By showing images that seem cruel or insensitive, what Fletcher is really trying to accomplish is to remind people that the earth is covered in humans, and all of their lives matter no matter where they live.

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