Bread and Wine Characters

Bread and Wine Character List

Pietro Spina

Pietro is the main character and the protagonist of the novel. Living in Abruzzo, he is on the run from the secret fascist police of Italy. He wants the citizens of the country to start a revolution against the government, because he personally is against their fascist ways. However, he soon learns that much of the population is too ignorant to participate in a revolution. Eventually, he falls in love with a girl and struggles with the question of whether or not to tell her who he really is.

Nunzio Sacca

A doctor, Sacca is one of few friends of Pietro. He helps Pietro in his plan to start a revolution.

Matelena Ricotta

Ricotta is another one of Pietro's friends, and owns the Inn in which he stays and hides in his run from the police.

Bianchina Girasole

When Pietro became a priest, he never suspected that he would meet as many people as he did. Girasole is one of these people, and became close with Pietro after he helped her through an abortion.

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