Boy, Everywhere Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Boy, Everywhere Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The boat

The boat symbolizes Sami's fear of the unknown. While Sami's family is fleeing Syria to England, they must navigate through the Mediterranean Sea using a makeshift boat. The boat is old and unfit for use, but Sami has no option despite fearing for his life. The boat is a significant symbol in this context because it represents an uncertain future. For one thing, Sami is not sure if they will make it alive because a similar boat capsizes even before they start the journey.


Sami’s iPad symbolizes opulent life in Damascus before the family flees due to war. An iPad is an expensive gadget only found in wealthy families. Sami's parents are rich and can provide anything their children ask for. In addition, the iPad shows the comfort Sami has and believes that nothing will ever disrupt their luxury life in Damascus.

Soccer shoes

The soccer shoes Sami begs his mother to purchase for him from the mall remain a significant symbol of regret in the novel. Sami believes he is the one who made his family flee Damascus. Sami's mother was inside the mall purchasing soccer shoes for him when it was bombed. Sami thinks that his family would still be living in Damascus if his mother had not been one of the bomb victims in the mall. Therefore, Sami continues to bare the blame for his family's misfortunes.

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